How do I apply for a divorce?
how to divorce?
Comment propagate away, then I requesting the divorce?
Basic steps of casting obtain an uncontested divorce in Australia
1. Fill in June a Divorce
You (or your lawyer If you die in DO) may USE the:
Application Kit divorce
Application for Divorce Kit includes step by step instructions lès On How to Complete the Application.
Note: CLAIMS Divorce (and certain accompanying documents) may be filed electronically Henceforth through the Commonwealth Courts Portal (
2. Sign
E affirmer solemnly swear and signed Application for divorce before the UN lawyer, justice of the United Nations e other person authorized to attend your state declarations IN A e territory.
3. Photocopy
MAKE APPLICATION two photocopies duly completed and signed by the divorce documents and les.
4. Back
File, e mail by hand, in a register of family law:
Two original copies of the Petition for Divorce and
A copy of your marriage certificate.
You Must aussi tax payer June ou may be admissible You to June tax reduction. You can apply for this purpose by filing an Application for payment reduction for divorce. Fees are correct by regulation and are usually revised All Two years. More information may be found IN section on this site charges, including an explanation of the different methods of payment in June.
If you're not born in Australia and intend to invoke your Australian citizenship as grounds for divorce requesting pour in Australia, you certify aussi Must attach a copy of your certificate of citizenship in June Australian passport, Australian e Any other proof of citizenship .
REQUESTS the divorce (and some accompanying documents) may be Desormais submitted electronically via the portal during the Commonwealth (
5. A receive a hearing date and Documents
Court Gives You not File number and date and time of the hearing in June.
If you jointly requesting the Court keep your original Application for divorce and your spouse give you and June sealed copy of the Application and "Marriage, families and separation" information brochure in June
If you apply on Your Own, the Court will keep your original Application for Divorce and give you two copies of the Application and sealed "Marriage, families and separation" booklet.
6. Serve papers
If you HAVE applied on Your Own, you certify signifying June Should sealed copy of the Request for brochure and divorce your spouse Information:
Less than 28 days prior to the hearing, if your husband your wife ou interest in Australia
Less than 42 days prior to the date of the audience, if your husband your wife ou L'Etranger interest.
More information may be found forms of IN services and divorce kit IN Forms section of the website.
7. Attend the hearing
THERE is there a step child of the marriage of Under 18, you certify're Not Held to attend the court hearing. Worth paying IT major ERP unique and common.
If you HAVE June fel Joint Application and non child born in wedlock interest Less than 18 Years, neither You nor your spouse are required to attend the court hearing.
If you DID ONE applications and is a load child age 18 years Less, You Must attend the hearing, Less circumstances prevent you from attending. Perhaps you can assist Being by telephone.
8. Result of the hearing
If your request for divorce Interest successful, the court will grant the divorce order in June The command does not BECOME final months, not days preceding the award, if saf It Is shortened by order of the Court.
A Time The final divorce judgment became interest, the Court will send divorce decree June For You and Your spouse, your lawyer individually or A If you HAVE Do not assume what the divorce sera Grant at the first hearing. For example, you can be told the audience Des YOU Need to provide more information:.
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