Wednesday, 27 February 2013

What is divorce? divorce?

What is divorce?

Divorce is what happens when people decide not to marry them, no more. A divorce legally ends a marriage, and people are free to marry other people if they want to.

Even if the divorce ends a marriage, it does not stop a family. If your parents decide to divorce each other, it does not mean they are divorcing YOU! Your mom and dad will always be your mom and dad. Their love for you will always be the same.

The day you were born you became a member of a large family. You will always be a part of the whole, or "extended" family, even if someone in your family divorces. Your grandmothers, grandfathers and other relatives will all still be part of your extended family, just as they always have been. Divorce changes a lot of things, but it does not stop a family and it does not change the love of your family for you.

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